At Warsaw International Airport, I was a little concerned by the fact that you had to clear a passport check just to get to anywhere else in the airport. Now I have had my passport for about a year now, and even used it extensively for a research project on nationalism this past semester, but this was the first time I had actually used my passport to personally cross a border. It was also interesting to note that all of the border guards were young, attractive women, bringing back memories of that same "Geographies of Nationalism" class and discussing female traffic guards in North Korea. Turns out they are personally selected by Kim Jong-Il himself to put"best face forward" to anyone that might be interested. (Any thoughts Dr. Mulligan?) Nonetheless, she stamped my favorite page in my American Icon passport, the Native American one with a bear catching a salmon, and I was on my way. Well, sort of...
The third security check that I mentioned in my last post was a little more intense than the US TSA checkpoints I had passed through earlier. Rather than bored looking guards who look more interested in stopping for lunch than stopping terrorists, the checkpoints were manned by tough, crew-cut miltary men and non-nonsense women, and fair number of them very prominently armed with handguns. I am glad they take security so seriously, but it would have been nice if the one at my checkpoint wasn't idly toying with the strap on his holster, but I digress.
Left: Large tracts of forest near the Poland-Lithuania border. Right: A mosaic of diverse crops and the unavoidable propeller getting in the way of all of my pictures. |
A very nice feature of LOT, the Polish airlines, is that they feed you well. On a one hour commuter flight in the US, they would likely just throw some peanuts at you, maybe a soft drink, and hope for the best. Yet here, they distributed deli-style cold cut sandwiches and Lindt chocolates to satisfy whatever hunger you might possibly acquire in one-hour's time.
On the landing approach to Vilnius International Airport... |
Due to the amount of activity that has occurred since the last post, I am going to end this post here, and resume again shortly. Also, in the approximately 72 hours since arriving, I have 184 photos which should be going up shortly at (That is after editing them, and pulling out about over 100 shots just from the plane window. I see a lot of geomorphology or algal blooms and I start compulsively shooting away.
Posted from: Grigiškės District, Vilnius, Lithuania
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